Woman screaming "HELP ME!!!" on the WorldCup game England vs Germany!???

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Posted by FuangPing

FIFA World Cup South Africa England vs Germany was a very exciting and controversial(especially for English) game for all over the world. But here in Japan, there is another horrifying topic because the "thing" can be only detectable by people who can understand Japanese.

You can check it in the video above.

From 0:03, you are able to hear woman screaming
"Kyaaaaaaaaa Tasuketeeee!!!"
In Japanese, "kyaaa" is a female screaming. "tasukete" means "help me".

In the internet, some Japanese netizens posted their negative opinions.
"it's just your imagination."
"It's a kind of coincidence. Maybe that can be Germany or something. it's international competition after all."

But most of them recognize the screaming as "Tasukete".
Anyway, Only God knows. What we can do is just praying for the woman crying.






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