Fllow Up Report;Crisis of Hentai Culture?

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(photo cited Japanese wikipedia)
Mtro Assembly unanimously approved putting off Bill of ban on "2-demension child porn"

General affairs committee of Tokyo Metropolitan assembly unanimously approved postponement of discussion of the amendment bill of ban on child porn, (see also Crisis of Hentai Culture? ;Tokyo government deliver "Ban on Child Porn") which was deliverd by Tokyo metro gov. to this time regular meeting, and put off that decision to next june meeting on 19th March, .

Liberal Democratic Party of Japan(LDP) and NEW KOMEITO in Metro assembly, had tried to conclude the bill in this time meeting, nevertheless they come to think it is impossible to conclude it quickly, because many Mang artists and publishers opposite strongly and Democratic party of Japan(DPJ) , majority of the assembly, insists to postpone the discussion.

In the committee, an assembly member of DPJ said that they approve the idea of the bill, yet

the assembly must to put off discussion to argue carefully new reglations, especially criteria of child porn, and to sweep away misunderstanding of citizens for the bill.

In other hand, a member of LDP said "he bill draft must be concluded as soon as possible and objection for the bill base on misunderstanding. We cannot understand postponement of the discusion, however except some parties, most members of the assembly share same ideal for need of the bill. It is inevitable to put off the discussion for smooth progress of the discuission for the bill."

ISHIHARA Shintaro, governer of Tokyo metropolitan government, announced "it is proper to hear many opinions, and to clear up misunderstanding by more discussion, for making a appropriate act. We must not to be too rough-and-ready." on same day's press conference.

2010/3/19 16:59 MSN Sankei News




2010/3/19 16:59 【MSN産経ニュース】

Comment by Shirokitsune

I'm so sorry for late to post the follow up report.

This news have two important points. First, It makes DPJ's opposission for the bill clear. Last summer DPJ win a landslide victory in national election(election of the house of representative) and they come into power. It is true that in metro assembly, LDP is still majority, but natinal government can be influential for local politics. So if the bill were to be concluded in metro assembly, national policy would not have follow it.

Secound, in Japan, "postponement" or "putting off" means nearly "abondon". Thus the bill will not be able to conclude as it stands. If it is not so, it makes persons who insist "postponement", in this case, they are DPJ, lose faces.

fFor these reasons, We Japanese Otakus can secure about "2-demension art" for some time.

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