"se・KIRARA" became Free Downloadable!! Interview with the president. Part2/2


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■After that we would say “we put a lot of work in it, please judge it”.

Q: One day Mr. Aki of Good Smile Company said “it’s not good for contents to become free, because it can’t return the profit to the creator”. So the fact that “se・KIRARA” which came from the same Matsudo team became free downloadable was so astonishing for me.

Max Watanabe: I don’t think that’s good for the contents become free. However, the way to restore the value has maybe changed. You know, there is no guarantee to get the profit at the very first investment stage in any work; animation, game, or movie, although it’s a little bit different story about the sequel to the famous work. In that no guarantee condition, you have to promote the product by for example, making it toy or book… by any means. What we have done this time in “se・KIRARA” is no different from it. That is “streaming in TV for free” promotion. So I think “watch this for free” and “take the software for free” are basically the same thing. If there were a bit difference, it would be in the very first stage, something like R&D.

Q: What’s R&D?

Max W: It’s what we call Research & Development. Something like, “I created this. Will this do? If it will, I will put more effort on it” you know. So this is more Research & Development than the investment in movie or work. It’s more like testing research cost, not the market model which restores its own cost by the only software itself.

Q: Research & Development?

Max W: I mean the stage before becoming restoring model like “we created new fabric” or “we created new metal”. After clearing the stage, we can step forward to next one. If the challenge of “se・KIRARA” succeeded, we would be able to hand the game to the next stage, that is, animation company or something like bigger contents company, the professionals. If it didn’t go well, that would mean the R&D was wrong. I thought if it went well, we could go to the next.

Q: It sounds like gambling.

Max W: Yes, hahaha. To begin with, the development of contents is gambling. We just do what we believe with the staff we believe in. I think the title and contents will have its value after people play it. We worked out very hard to make the story and characters. I’m sure it is very fascinating. Users have to take their time to play the game, right? Then, the first wall, I mean the money, should be taken away for users. Originally it seemed like more R&D for me than product. Off course, the more to get the good fruit from the product, the more people will recognize it. But actually there are too many contents in this world in which it is hard for se・KIRARA to survive. So, we decide that distributing the title for free first and making people play it, after that we would say “we put a lot of work in it, please judge it”.

Q: That means you made the game free just for making people play it?

Max W: Yes. After that, one day, the figma or other related goods would come maybe, which would restore the creating cost. But it depends on the people’s evaluation. If people don’t think it’s good, it would be nothing.

I got a contact saying “you can consult me”

Q: Although you made the software free downloadable, didn’t other Bishoujo-style game makers call you saying like “don’t waste our industry”?

Max W: I got a contact saying “you can consult me” hahaha and “If you get some troubles, please call me without any hesitation”. Maybe everyone in the Bishoujo-Style game makers would think “someone will do that someday”. But on the other hand they also said that “we were sure that some Bishoujo-style game makers would someday distribute software for free as the big reform of the industry. But we never expected the company which doesn’t belong to the industry did it”.

Q: Max Factory produces many figures of Bishoujo games. Don’t you worry about that?

Max W: Yes we produce a lot. But we do work sincerely and honestly as it is. So I don’t think the relationship with other Bishoujo game makers will be affected by the project.

Q: You said that free distribution of se・KIRARA is kind of R&D. Do you intend to do in the second sequel?

Max W: I really think nothing about that. Besides, we don’t even afford to do that hahaha.

Q: Really?

Max W: Off course! We can’t do that so many times hahaha, in aspect of the cost, development resource or else. Actually creating the se・KIRARA cost three times as much budget as we expect.

Q: Speaking of budget, the blog (http://algernon.livedoor.biz/archives/1231094.html) calculates how many figmas need to be sold to restore the developing cost according to the profitability. It says approximately 78 thousand, how about this?

Max W: Great, it’s not so far! The calculation actually makes sense. Really good. I want to take him to our team (Matsudo team)! He will work very well.

Q: Have you decided how to distribute the software or where you do that?

Max W: We have been proceeding now, consulting other related companies.

Q: Thank you very much.


MAX渡辺 コンテンツがタダになるのは良くないと思います。でも、制作の対価の回収方法は変わったのかもしれない、と思います。テレビアニメでも、映画でも、かなりの金額の投資があって、ヒットした作品の続編とかは話が違うかもしれないけど、オリジナルを一発目って言ったら、その投資の段階では何の確約も確証もないじゃないですか。その状態からプロモーションをかけたり、オモチャ化であったり、本にしましょうとか……。色んな複合技で攻めていこうとするんです。それと今回「se・きらら」でやろうとしているのは大差なくて、テレビでタダで流しますよプロモーションです、見てください。っていうのと、ソフトをフリーでタダにするんで手にとって下さいよ。というのは同じなんじゃないか、と思っています。少し違うとすれば、これは一番最初のところであってR&Dに近いと思うところかな。


MAX渡辺 いわゆる研究開発ですね。こういうものを頑張って作ってみました。『これは行けますか?行けるんだったらもっと頑張ります』と。これは映像投資とか、作品投資とかっていうよりは、研究開発ですね。試験研究費的なもので、ソフト単体での回収モデルではない。




MAX渡辺 そもそもコンテンツ開発は博打ですよね(笑)。信じたスタッフと、信じる事をやる。このタイトル、コンテンツが価値を持つのは、みんながプレイしてくれた後じゃないですかね。一生懸命キャラを作ったし、お話も練った。どうぞ手にとって下さいと。きっと面白いと思います。ユーザーさんには時間も消費してもらわなきゃいけないじゃないですか。であれば、まず最初の壁=お金を取っ払ちゃおうって考え方ですね。もともと売ろうとしてたときも、研究開発的だなぁとは思ってたんです。もちろん良い結果が出せればより認められる。でも実際は、コンテンツが山ほど沢山ある状態のなかで「se・きらら」はちょっと分が悪いし、それであれば無料で配布して、とにかく見て貰いましょう。「一生懸命作って、精一杯やってみた。判断してくれ。」と。


MAX渡辺 そうですね。その後で、シリーズのfigmaや関連商品がいっぱい出せるようであれば回収の目もあるんでしょうけど、それも、お客さんから作品を認めていただけなれば、まったく意味が無いので。

― 今回、「se・きらら」無料配布を発表したことで、美少女ゲームメーカーさんや美少女ゲーム流通から、「ウチらの商売を荒らすんじゃねぇよ」とか電話かかってきませんでしたか?

MAX渡辺 「相談に乗るよ」って連絡はありましたよ(笑)。「困ったことがあったら遠慮無しに声かけてください」って言って貰えました。美少女ゲームメーカーのみなさん、たぶんうっすらと「誰かがやるだろうって」と考られていたことだと思うんですよ。そういう言われ方だったんです。「美少女ゲーム業界の中から変革の1つとして、無料配布が出てくるものかもしれないとは思っていた。ただショックだったのは、それが美少女ゲーム業界からじゃなかった」ってね。


MAX渡辺 美少女ゲームフィギュア、沢山やってますよ。それはそれで誠実にやらせてもらっているので、これだけで壊れる関係では無いと思っています。


MAX渡辺 本当になにも考えてないです。というか、そんな余裕ないんですよ(苦笑)


MAX渡辺 そんなに何度もできねぇ(笑)。開発リソース、金銭的にもそうですし。「se・きらら」だってもともと予定していた予算の優に3倍ですからね。(苦笑)


MAX渡辺 凄いですね。結構読めてますね。そんなに間違ってない数字を弾かれてます。たいしたものだ。この人、うちら(松戸チーム)にひっぱりましょう!話が早いでしょう(笑)。


MAX渡辺 関係各所と調整しながら進めています。


News Sauce: http://blog.livedoor.jp/geek/archives/50996100.html

OPINION by FuangPing
I'm playing it now, getting indulged...

Using every minute of my precious holiday, once in a week, I'm playing the game now without doing anything. I mean, you will never regret playing it. Just download and play it right now.

oh, I have to go back to the game. Excuse me.

"se・KIRARA" became Free Downloadable!! Interview with the president. Part1/2


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Interview with President of Max Factory, Max Watanabe.
Max Factory the company which created the "se・KIRARA"

■Why you made it free?

Q: Free Download of "se・KIRARA" has been so big news though, I heard that you originally intended to sell it. Why you made it free?

Max Watanabe: One day, the idea occurred to me “oh, let’s making it free”. Actually I have been wondering that why PC video game is so expensive, or how can we get the title popular and make a lot of people play the game. I’ve been thinking it while creating the game though, when the idea hit my mind, everything seemed to get clear. Off course, the creating the software cost too much. And calculating the cost, it was obvious that it was impossible to make it free. But anyway I just want people to take it.

Q: what is the benefit for making it free?

Max W: It would have the both merit and demerit.

Q: How much cost it took to create the game?

Max W: It’s not cool to say that. But it took time more than expected. So I think it cost more than average.

Q: How long it took to create?

Max W: Since the idea was planed, it has been 3 years, practically 2 years.

Q: When did you come up with the idea of making it free?

Max W: I thought it was around January, 2010.

Q: Didn’t you receive the reservation of the title until then?

Max W: Off course, we had marketing strategy. But actually I had wondered about the idea just before the moment. So I didn’t. “Something had to be changed or I couldn’t even stand on the stage” yes, it seemed like a new singer before the debut.

Q: And the conclusion was that distributing it for free. Some people thought that the company intended to attach the figma (figure of the animation character) to the software to make ends meet. Is it true?

Max W: I think it’s too difficult to make ends meet. The profit of the figma only would not be enough to compensate the all creating cost…

Q: Actually it’s hard to understand. You don’t expect to get the profit even for the creating cost. If you already had the offer of animation of the game, it was understandable. But…

Max W: Not at all hahaha.

Q: But you still intend to distribute the game for free?

Max W: Yes hahaha. What I want to do is to get people to know the title by all means. I believe that is the best way for us to stand on the start line.


マックスファクトリー社長 MAX渡辺  ある日「そうだ、無料にしよう!」と思い立ったんです。それまでずっとモヤモヤモヤモヤしてたんですね。PCゲームってどうしてこんなに高いんだろう?とか、人気タイトルになるためには、沢山の人に遊んで貰うためには、どうすればいいんだろうって。制作中ずっと悩んでいたのですが、そう思い至ったらスパっと吹っ切れたんです。もちろん開発費はたっぷり掛かってますし、まじめに計算すれば無料になんか出来ないことは明白だったのですが、「とにかくまずは手にとってもらおう」ってね。


MAX渡辺 メリット、デメリット、そして功罪、両方あると思います。


MAX渡辺 金額は野暮なので言いませんが、思ったよりもずっと開発に時間がかかったので、通常のPCゲームよりも多めに開発費を使っているとは思います。


MAX渡辺 企画発足から3年、実質の開発期間は2年間です


MAX渡辺 2010年の1月に入ったころ、ですね。


MAX渡辺 もちろん営業戦略は組み立ててはいましたけど、やる直前まで悩んでて実際に受付はしてないですね。このままじゃステージに立たせてもらうことすら出来ない、そう、デビュー前の新人歌手みたいな感覚でした。

―それをタダで配る? figma付き限定版でペイするんじゃないかと予想している人もいるんですけど、実際どうなんですか?

MAX渡辺 それはかなり難しいと思います。figmaだけで「se・きらら」の開発費をペイする計算は・・・なかなか成り立ちそうにないです。


MAX渡辺 まったくないです。(笑)


MAX渡辺 はい(笑)。このタイトルを世の中にちゃんと染みこませようという、スタートラインに立つには、この方法が一番良いだろうなと。

news sauce: http://blog.livedoor.jp/geek/archives/50996100.html

Official Site of "se・KIRARA"

OPINION by FuangPing
Creator creates the dream

Actually, there are a lot of free download game in the internet. However, I have to say that basically the quality of such a kind of free game is not so good. But this time, it seems like a bit different.

As the president of the company said in the interview, the title "se・KIRARA" was originally usual game software which has price itself. And you will recognize it once you watch the animation of the game.

The thing is its contents.

To be honest, I still haven't played the game.
As the editor of ADJ, I must play and estimate it. yes.
Not for my libido, off course.

Katawa Shoujo: The Free English Bishoujo-Style Novel


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Katawa Shoujo is a bishoujo-style visual novel set in the fictional Yamaku High School for disabled children, located somewhere in modern Japan. Hisao Nakai, a normal boy living a normal life, has his life turned upside down when a congenital heart defect forces him to move to a new school after a long hospitalization. Despite his difficulties, Hisao is able to find friends—and perhaps love, if he plays his cards right. There are five main paths corresponding to the 5 main female characters, each path following the storyline pertaining to that character.

Cited by the official site of Katawa Shoujo

Unfortunately my poor English skill is not enough to describe the attraction of the game. So I just cited the official site of Katawa Shoujo. What I can say is that considering the quality of the game, it’s unbelievable to be able to download it for free. If you still haven’t played it, that means you miss something important in your life!

It’s not late! Grab the opportunity to change your way of life.

By FuangPing

ADM Report 002: Kami-Husen


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ADM report Correspondent

Akihabara District Map report again. In this time, it’s about Kami Husen, the second-hand Hentai game shop. When it comes to Hentai video game, it’s off course Akihabara. And actually there are a lot of big shops which have the variety of such a kind of software. However, even in such a big shop, serious trouble sometimes would happen”No game title I’m looking for!!!”

In that case, just go to Kami-Husen.
Kami-Husen, paper balloon in English, is a small shop and located in the relatively quiet place compared to Sofmap or Yodobashi Camera. However I’m sure you will find the one you demand and often in the less inexpensive price than that of big shops. Its first floor is literally occupied by the Hentai games! For Otaku who loves such a kind of game, the scene would looks like a pile of treasure.

You can get the game at the price of, in average, approximately 2500~3000 yen. If you are not good at Japanese, the video game can be useful as a textbook of the language. It will, in a way, keep on stimulating your interest in Japanese.

Libido is always driving force to get new language and ability.

Official Site of Kami-Husen


3-10-3 Sotokanda Chiyoda-ku Tokyo


The difference between dolphin & other livestock; intelligence?



“Dolphin hunting is so cruel” Louie Psihoyos the filmmaker has ranted. However, the opinions against his rant have occurred so much “Is there no problem about cow and pig?” In the interview of FNN, denying the specific discrimination, he replied to this question “It has nothing to do with cow or pig. Dolphin has a very high intelligence.”

Compared to the massacre of Auschwitz, Japanese dolphin hunting “can be the guilty against the human beings to the very same extent” Mr. Psihoyos said in the interview with Saizo. On the other hand “In 1986 I had a look at slaughterhouse. It made me hate to eat the beef and pork. But I have never imposed my thought to my wife and children, neither to Japanese.”

Especially in the West, the society for the prevention of cruelty to animals has often criticized, saying “Livestock has been raised and controlled just for eaten in the very severe condition and they end up with killed cruelly, finishing their short lives”. The filmmaker has never forced people to have same belief with him about livestock. Then, how and why can he justify his private opinion and the fact to impose it to people.

What is the reason for animals which have high intelligence ONLY to be protected? “The fact” that they have high intelligence cannot be the enough reason to “protect” the specific animal and to have “faith”. So the propose cannot become public ethics, it is no more than his private belief. If he intends to change the reason of “high intelligence” as the basis of justification, the logic itself to protect his belief will crumble down.





news source: http://www.tanteifile.com/newswatch/2010/03/18_01/index.html

OPINION by FuangPing
The thing is the way to oppose.

Many Western people maybe don’t believe but we Japanese basically would never feel good, hearing the news “the dolphin (or whale) are hunted in Japan”. As a matter of fact, not all of Japanese do not agree with the traditional convention, some Japanese are even not concerned about that. The opinion of “no dolphin hunting” can be acceptable in Japan. However, seemingly a lot of Japanese don’t feel comfortable about the Oscar movie “cove”. Why?

The thing is the way to oppose.

One of the reasons for a lot of Japanese to feel unpleasant against the movie or their opinion is that they rant their thought without considering the feeling and tradition of Japanese. As I already mentioned above, the opinion “no dolphin hunting” ITSELF would get sympathy and agreement of some Japanese. But their way to express makes Japanese stubborn more and more. The “hunting” convention is woven into and regarded as Japanese local history. Criticizing the custom without taking it consideration would stimulate their national pride.

Therefore, in my opinion, if they really want to stop the hunting, not for their individual satisfaction, what they have to do first is to change the way to stop it. Actually, the market or the demand of dolphin (or whale) is not so big. Objectively the scale has been getting smaller and smaller gradually.

I will strongly recommend the people who oppose against the hunting to change the way to stop. And then, Japanese will hear their thinking without stubborn attitude, maybe.

Local Development Approach by Anime; Saitama prefecture propose tentative plans.


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Local Development Approach by Anime; Saitama prefecture propose tentative plans.

Let's put anime-song on, and make students' uniforms same design as anime-character.
Saitama prefecture committee of studying anime-tourism which were organized by the prefecture government for make good use of animes and mangas originated Saitama for tourism and local development formed a proposal. The prefecture government announced 18th March. The proposal included plans of sending anime imformation, invitation events, and giving productive spaces for creater, etc.

Saitama is the stage of "Raki-suta", "Kureyon Shin-chan" and other attractive animes and mangas. Thus, the committee which consist of manga authors and animators have discussed how these contents promote local development.

The proposal is based on the policy which "Funs local community, and creaters in a body, face to face with the contents and share it", and suggest, for examples,
・to throw anime-music on streets,
・to change uniforms of schools modeling for animes, to that like anime-character worn,
・to produce anime-goods by local materials or traditional techniques.

The prefecture gov. will distribute the propoasal to local communities and commerce and industry organizations, for a advice of local development.
Furthermore, based on the proposal, The prefecture gov. herself have a plan to produce an original anime next year, and summed up 1,9630,000 yen as a budget of this matter.

YAMAMURA Takatoshi, associate professor of Hokkaido University center for advanced tourism studies, who is chairperson of the committee, said that this proposal contained plans looks like lack of common sense for normal administrations, however, we hope that it would become as a basic plan for further discussion.

Asahi Shinbun, Saitama local version, 19th March, 2010
(photo by Sankei Shimbun Saitama Local news


◇街角に主題歌 制服を同じに







It's a unique idea but...
Comment by Shirokitsune

Saitama have Washimiya, a town known as one of the most successful example for developing local economy by using anime "Raki-Suta", so it is understandable for the gov staffs attempt to use their own resource.

But some proposals seems to be very radical...
If high school uniforms in Saitama changed to that of "Raki-Suta", ...I'd feel pitty for them.

I heard that Washimiya succeeded by long and careful research. Saitama gov too should follow that path.

The brand-new bullet train named after the Vocaloid?


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Let's name the E5 bullet train "Hatsune"!!

In spring 2011, the latest bullet train "E5" will be supposed to debut at Tohoku Shinkansen (Literally, Tohoku New Main Line, one of the Japan big railway groups which operates the bullet train). JR HigashiNihon (the company which is in charge of all east-side Japan JR train operation) is now raising the nickname of the new train “E5”. The color arrangement of the train is that green and pink stripe

The thing is that the color of the train whose maximum speed can be 300 km/h has similar color contrast with the one of “Hatsune Miku”, the best well-known Vocaloid (picture above). Now, in the “Hatsune Miku” community of mixi (the most popular SNS in Japan) the promotion of voting has launched; “Let’s name the E5 bullet train Hatune!!”

Also, on the Twitter, another promotion has started simultaneously in the hushtag “#E5_mikumiku”. The deadline of the voting is by 24:00 31th March (wed). People who love the nickname Hatune, just go to the homepage of JR HigashiNihon and to vote for the name. You can vote for one nickname per one entry, although you can send the application anytime.




News Source: http://www.su-gomori.com/2010/03/e5.html

OPINION by Fuangping
"on purpose?"

Some Japanese netizens say in the 2ch (biggest BBS in Japan) that "it goes too far". And I think, too, it's right, maybe. Making best of the popularity of Anime stuffs is off course on the right track. But, in my opinion, when it comes to very public affair, it must require very serious consideration. And the name of the bullet train could belong to the area. Not only temporal populism, prudence should be necessary.

But one the other hand, seeing the arrangement of the color of the latest bullet train, I can't help but thinking just one idea; "didn't they dicide the color on purpose, knowing about Hatsune Miku?", because it's too much suited...

I don't know the truth though, can't miss the result of the voting.

Finally... Nintendo unveiled the 3D game console!



Nintendo announced that its new portable video game console “Nintendo 3DS” in which you can enjoy 3D images without any glasses will go on the market in March 2011.

It is the successive console of Nintendo DS series. Reportedly the latest version of the Nintendo DS has compatibility with the old one’s software.

About the detail, Nintendo will be supposed to announce it at E3 which is going to be held in Los Angels, U.S. in 15th June 2010.




News Source: http://www.inside-games.jp/article/2010/03/23/41154.html

OPINION by FuangPing

When I was a elementary school student, I played "Super Mario" in Family Computer with so much excitement. After 20 years since then, the game console has kept evolving... Super Family Computer, Game Boy, PC Engine, Sega Saturn, Play Station, X-Box, Nintendo DS, Play Station Portable... And finally 3-dimensional vido game will come in very near future. uhhhh.... too fast to catch up for me...

When it comes to 3D images, what I come up with first is SF anime or movie; domestically, "Doraemon", "Evangelion" and "Ghost in the shell" etc. internationally, "Back to the Future", "Star Wars" and "Matrix" etc.

That kind of SF world will partly come to reality. How fantastic and also, astonishing. I'm not confident to get along with these high technology... OK then, I will go to movie theater first and watch "Avater". I still haven't watched it.

"Practice makes perfect"!!

ADM Report 001: Gashapon Hall


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ADM report Correspondent

The First Akihabara District Map (ADM) report!
In this report, ADJ will give you the informaition about the cool shops and products in Akihabara. And in this memorial first report, Please let us introduce "Gachapon Hall".

Fisrt of all, What is "Gashapon"? If you don't know that, Mr wikipedia will tell you. → http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gashapon

Gashapon Hall is the world biggest Gashapon collective store!!
The store is literally filled up with Gashapon. Although Gashapon has a great variety, you will find almost all of them in this shop!! Yahoo!!

By the way, to be honest, logically thinking, playing Gashapon can be waste of time and money, because if you want something in the capsule you can get exactly what you want in Akihabara, or even second or third floor of the Gashapon Hall. Actually, you can never expect what is going to come up out of Gashapon no matter how much you spend time and money.

Nevertheless, still a lot of young Japanese play Gashapon. You will see many customers in the Hall. Why? Obviously that's not efficient. In my thought, although people actually want what you want packed in the capsule, they get enjoyed the playing the Gashapon ITSELF. Maybe the something in the capsule for some people are even byproduct...

Official Site of Gashapon Hall


3-15-5 Sotokanda Chiyoda-ku Tokyo


"Moe" soy sauce coming up!!



Sagamihara-city, Kanagawa prefecture is now supposed to turn into a government ordinance city. For getting this designated city renowned, the corroboration of the young entrepreneur and the old brewer of soy sauce has come true.

The young company “Moekko Kikaku (project turning-on girl)” and the old soy sauce store which has 135 years history “Inoue-Syoyu (Inoue Soy Sauce)” has together started to launch its brand-new soy sauce. The soy sauce was named “Sakura Hime (princess of cherry blossom)” after the famous and beautiful cherry blossoms in front of the city municipal office. The president of Moekko Kikaku, Tatsuro Yamaguchi (27) proudly said “the one which is put vibrant youth into tradition together”.

Inoue Syoyu, the brewer of soy sauce, was established in 1875, and since then the store has never changed the traditional way to brew the soy sauce, using the Japanese cedar cask which has been used since the establishment. the Inoue’s soy sauce “Tamakyuu Syoyu” has been loved by locals as the specialty of the city for such a long time.

Yamaguchi has grown up with the traditional soy sauce in his daily life. In August last year, he started new business whose goal was to make local specialty famous. And what he came up with first was the Tamakyuu Syoyu which was created by Inoue Syoyu. “Unfortunately Sagamihara city is likely regarded as not having traditional history, but actually that’s wrong. I would like people all over the nation get to know about our city. The traditional local soy sauce is the best for achieving it” said Yamaguchi. Thinking the transition of the city into government ordinance one in April 2010 as a good opportunity, he offered Inoue Syoyu the project; creating the original soy sauce.

“It’s difficult” the company’s president Inoue said “because we can’t manufacture”. In addition, Inoue Syoyu which has stuck to the traditional way to brew has ever never cooperated with other companies since its beginning. He declined the offer first. However, Yamaguchi who got fascinated by the sauce couldn’t give up. By dropping in at Inoue store again and again, Yamaguchi had tried very hard to persuade Inoue, saying “I would like people in this country get to know this taste”. Inoue eventually nodded “I got moved by his young passion”. As the result, “Sakura Hime” has finally come to alive.





news source: http://news.kanaloco.jp/localnews/article/1003150004/

OPINION by FuangPing

I got touched by this corroboration of the new and the old. In any time and place, the passion of young people has very big possibility to change the world.

On the other hand, I got question. The manga picture of the label. Off course it's understandable for using "moe" character to promote the product. As a matter of fact there are several successful cases. But something reminds me that almost all of these success end up turning out to be very temporary success. Although cute manga characters can attract people's attention, it seemingly won't last so long according to the similar precedents.

I, as one of the young, really hope that the audacity of the entrepreneur will overcome the precedents this time.

Manga market not ballooning even in its home country


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Japanese manga has attracted not only domestic but also foreign popularity. However, the market has deteriorated and shrunk by 6% compared to last year’s number; the worst ever decreasing. That’s because reportedly the last year’s big economic recession has influenced consumers’ mind, besides, so many hit mangas did not come up this year.

According to the survey conducted by the Publication Science Institution of Tokyo, the joint sales of mangas and magazines of last year amount to ¥418.7 billion, plummeting by 6.6% from previous year; the worst depreciation ever. In this bad situation, the sales of the comic books have especially fallen down, by 9.4% to ¥191.3 billion from previous year. It ended up being under ¥200 billion for the first time in 18 years.

The sales of manga related issues had peaked in Heisei 7 (1995) and after that the amount has kept gradually decreasing. The institute reported that the ground of shrinking market would be attributed to recent economic recession and as the result, consumers has stopped purchasing the issues at book stores, instead they would likely to go to Manga Kissa (Internet Café which has a lot of manga) to read these stuffs without buying. In addition, only a few successful mangas would emerge one of these days.




News Source: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/k10013248411000.html#

OPINION by FuangPing
Actually, I can't believe this... I know and read a lot of comtenporary masterpieces of Manga, many, really. But on the other hand, I also can't deny that I sometimes go to Manga Kissa to read Manga without buying as exactly the article say.
But after considering this fact, I get to think that I have to pay money with respects to Manga and it's author as the investment on the industry for Japanese subcultural future!!!! Everyone, just follow me!!

"excreta" on strange women



A guy (31) was arrested for allegedly throwing his own "excreta" to some first-met women on 18th March.

According to the investigation of police agency, the guy is alleged for throwing his "body waste" to strange ladies on the road of Saitama Pref.

In the police interview, the guy said that "I did because I got too much stress in my work". Also he admited other over 40 similar criminal cases.



県警は、同区内で昨年11月に起きた帰宅途中の女性に対する強制わいせつ事件で、2月下旬に男を逮捕。排せつ物事件の犯人と特徴が似ていたため追及したところ 「ストレス発散でやった。女性が驚く姿に興奮した」と関与を認めたという。

News Source: http://news.mixi.jp/view_news.pl?id=1146568&media_id=88

OPINION by FuangPing
As everyone knows and I also recognize by myself, I'm a pervert. But even for me, I can't understand at all about his behavior... What turned him on...?
Anyway, one thing is for sure. my pervert is not criminal, but his criminal.

Cartoonists oppose metro move to curb "manga" child sex images


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A group of Japanese Cartoonists have lodged a protest over a Tokyo Metropolitan Government plan to tighten rules on sexual images of minors in comics, animation and comuter game software.

Cartoonists, including prominent artist Machiko Satonaka and Tetsuya Chiba, held a news conference 14th March (Mon) to voice their opposition to the plan before metro assembly votes on the proposal Friday (19th March). "This could violate freedom of expression," they said in a joint statement to assembly members of the ruling Democratic Party of Japan(DPJ).

The metro government has proposed to call on publishers to excercise greater restraint on sales on any cartoon works that feature sexual dipictions of characters that people would assume to be underage. Its ordinance, effective only in the capital, would also designate comics showing sexual violence as "noxious publications." and tighten restrictions for under-aged readers.

Japan is a major global source of child pornography. Although producing and distributing is illgal, possession is not criminalized, and images of "nonexistent" underage characters in "manga" comics are legal.


Crisis of Hentai Culture? ;Tokyo government deliver "Ban on Child Porn"


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Tokyo Metro Gov. bring in the child porn amendment bill in congress to regulate Manga porn

12th March,Tokyo metropolitan government submitted amendment bill of ban on child porn, to metropolitan assembly.
The bill provides that traders should ristrict voluntarily mangas,animes, and games describing porn of under 18 yearsold children, and products contending anti-social expression was prohibited. The administration committee of the congress will adopts the bill on 19th.
According to the government, the purpose of the bill is response to situation that harmful mangas animes and other contents dipicting children's porn are free; it is first time challenge for "unreal children's porn". In other hands, some critics insist that the bill may causes "violation for free of expression".

By the Bill's definition, "Unreal Children" seem under 18 yearsold by their cloth, belongings, or school grade in mangas, animes, and games etc. And the bill request for traders to stop voluntarily selling and opening thier porn.

Especially, the government may define contents including extremely immoral expression, for example rape, as "immoral books", and restrain it.
FUJIMOTO Yukari, Associate Professor of Meiji University, comment that the government could apply arbitrary the bill because criteria whether characters are under 18 yearsold or not, or what is immoral are very vague.

2010/03/12 17:57 Kyodo News


野放しの漫画児童ポルノを規制へ 都条例改正案、反対論も





2010/03/12 17:57 【共同通信】

OPINION by Shirokitsune
It's true that child porns are awful bad contents and they may harm weak and not clever children. but I think that there are two important points.
First, overflow of porn do not have certainly linkage to sexual crime. There are no data connecting between amounts of porn and rate of sexual crime. Yes, in case that child porn used real children, it was surely crime even if it did not occur any other effect. But, in case of Manga porn, who is victim? She (or he) is only "Unreal children" .
Furthermore, since we gave birth all kind of art, porn contribute to improve it. Few marvelous artists require crowds of not exllent artists. Porn has support their amateur artists. For instance, Ukiyoe is Jpanese proud tradittional art. Katsushika Hokusai or Kitagawa Utamaro are world-wide famous artists. In other hands, many artist earned their livelihood by making Shunga(Japanese sexual pictures in Edo period), and trid to be next Hokusai,or Utamaro.
Today, Japanese manga and anime sweep world subculture. Japanese Government Agencies, of course Tokyo metro gov. too, are promoting it and use it for their policies(activation tourism and local economics).
Japanese manga and especially anime culture are supported by very large amounts of amoteur artist genre, called Doujinshi. Many Doujinshi products contented sexual expression and child porn. But if they are banned, Doujinshi culture would suffer heavy damage, and number of Japanese anime and manga's comming generation artists would decrease.
One hand of Tokyo metro gov. promote anime, and the other hand crash anime. Isn't it contradiction?

Errare humanum est ?



The last day, The Japanese giant BBS "2ch" had been attacked by Korean netizens. Reportedly the IT company which has the attacked server has consulted with FBI about the crime and also deliberated about legal action towards the problem. They have seemingly regarded the crime as severe cyber-terrorism from Korea.

According to the internet site of the IT corporation related to the company controlling the 2ch server, in 1st Feb, the American IT company PIE in which 2ch server is located had gotten cyber-attacked and the internet-terrorism had caused serious troble. Severe damages of not only 2ch's one but also other servers including the one related to U.S government was reported. According to the report, the amount of damege would amount to approximately $2.50 million.

PIE spokesman said that "we got cyber-attacked by many computers world wide including Korea. Now on investigating about the issue, we have deliberated about it with FBI and San Francisco Police, considering even legal action."
One of Korean prominent media "Chuo Nippou" broadcasted on 2nd March that Korean netizens had cyber-attacked to the server of 2ch. The media attributed the cause of the accident to the insulting on the BBS towrds Korean Vancouver Gold Metalist Kim Yu-na.





Source: http://sankei.jp.msn.com/economy/it/100302/its1003022017002-n1.htm

OPINION by FuangPing
How can I say about this? but huhh.... I don't know. If there is one thing I can say, "before you commit to something, just make sure that where is your target." Anyway, I and you should never forget this accident. You know, as proverb say "I today, you tommorow"