Manga market not ballooning even in its home country

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Japanese manga has attracted not only domestic but also foreign popularity. However, the market has deteriorated and shrunk by 6% compared to last year’s number; the worst ever decreasing. That’s because reportedly the last year’s big economic recession has influenced consumers’ mind, besides, so many hit mangas did not come up this year.

According to the survey conducted by the Publication Science Institution of Tokyo, the joint sales of mangas and magazines of last year amount to ¥418.7 billion, plummeting by 6.6% from previous year; the worst depreciation ever. In this bad situation, the sales of the comic books have especially fallen down, by 9.4% to ¥191.3 billion from previous year. It ended up being under ¥200 billion for the first time in 18 years.

The sales of manga related issues had peaked in Heisei 7 (1995) and after that the amount has kept gradually decreasing. The institute reported that the ground of shrinking market would be attributed to recent economic recession and as the result, consumers has stopped purchasing the issues at book stores, instead they would likely to go to Manga Kissa (Internet Café which has a lot of manga) to read these stuffs without buying. In addition, only a few successful mangas would emerge one of these days.




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OPINION by FuangPing
Actually, I can't believe this... I know and read a lot of comtenporary masterpieces of Manga, many, really. But on the other hand, I also can't deny that I sometimes go to Manga Kissa to read Manga without buying as exactly the article say.
But after considering this fact, I get to think that I have to pay money with respects to Manga and it's author as the investment on the industry for Japanese subcultural future!!!! Everyone, just follow me!!

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