"se・KIRARA" became Free Downloadable!! Interview with the president. Part2/2

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■After that we would say “we put a lot of work in it, please judge it”.

Q: One day Mr. Aki of Good Smile Company said “it’s not good for contents to become free, because it can’t return the profit to the creator”. So the fact that “se・KIRARA” which came from the same Matsudo team became free downloadable was so astonishing for me.

Max Watanabe: I don’t think that’s good for the contents become free. However, the way to restore the value has maybe changed. You know, there is no guarantee to get the profit at the very first investment stage in any work; animation, game, or movie, although it’s a little bit different story about the sequel to the famous work. In that no guarantee condition, you have to promote the product by for example, making it toy or book… by any means. What we have done this time in “se・KIRARA” is no different from it. That is “streaming in TV for free” promotion. So I think “watch this for free” and “take the software for free” are basically the same thing. If there were a bit difference, it would be in the very first stage, something like R&D.

Q: What’s R&D?

Max W: It’s what we call Research & Development. Something like, “I created this. Will this do? If it will, I will put more effort on it” you know. So this is more Research & Development than the investment in movie or work. It’s more like testing research cost, not the market model which restores its own cost by the only software itself.

Q: Research & Development?

Max W: I mean the stage before becoming restoring model like “we created new fabric” or “we created new metal”. After clearing the stage, we can step forward to next one. If the challenge of “se・KIRARA” succeeded, we would be able to hand the game to the next stage, that is, animation company or something like bigger contents company, the professionals. If it didn’t go well, that would mean the R&D was wrong. I thought if it went well, we could go to the next.

Q: It sounds like gambling.

Max W: Yes, hahaha. To begin with, the development of contents is gambling. We just do what we believe with the staff we believe in. I think the title and contents will have its value after people play it. We worked out very hard to make the story and characters. I’m sure it is very fascinating. Users have to take their time to play the game, right? Then, the first wall, I mean the money, should be taken away for users. Originally it seemed like more R&D for me than product. Off course, the more to get the good fruit from the product, the more people will recognize it. But actually there are too many contents in this world in which it is hard for se・KIRARA to survive. So, we decide that distributing the title for free first and making people play it, after that we would say “we put a lot of work in it, please judge it”.

Q: That means you made the game free just for making people play it?

Max W: Yes. After that, one day, the figma or other related goods would come maybe, which would restore the creating cost. But it depends on the people’s evaluation. If people don’t think it’s good, it would be nothing.

I got a contact saying “you can consult me”

Q: Although you made the software free downloadable, didn’t other Bishoujo-style game makers call you saying like “don’t waste our industry”?

Max W: I got a contact saying “you can consult me” hahaha and “If you get some troubles, please call me without any hesitation”. Maybe everyone in the Bishoujo-Style game makers would think “someone will do that someday”. But on the other hand they also said that “we were sure that some Bishoujo-style game makers would someday distribute software for free as the big reform of the industry. But we never expected the company which doesn’t belong to the industry did it”.

Q: Max Factory produces many figures of Bishoujo games. Don’t you worry about that?

Max W: Yes we produce a lot. But we do work sincerely and honestly as it is. So I don’t think the relationship with other Bishoujo game makers will be affected by the project.

Q: You said that free distribution of se・KIRARA is kind of R&D. Do you intend to do in the second sequel?

Max W: I really think nothing about that. Besides, we don’t even afford to do that hahaha.

Q: Really?

Max W: Off course! We can’t do that so many times hahaha, in aspect of the cost, development resource or else. Actually creating the se・KIRARA cost three times as much budget as we expect.

Q: Speaking of budget, the blog (http://algernon.livedoor.biz/archives/1231094.html) calculates how many figmas need to be sold to restore the developing cost according to the profitability. It says approximately 78 thousand, how about this?

Max W: Great, it’s not so far! The calculation actually makes sense. Really good. I want to take him to our team (Matsudo team)! He will work very well.

Q: Have you decided how to distribute the software or where you do that?

Max W: We have been proceeding now, consulting other related companies.

Q: Thank you very much.


MAX渡辺 コンテンツがタダになるのは良くないと思います。でも、制作の対価の回収方法は変わったのかもしれない、と思います。テレビアニメでも、映画でも、かなりの金額の投資があって、ヒットした作品の続編とかは話が違うかもしれないけど、オリジナルを一発目って言ったら、その投資の段階では何の確約も確証もないじゃないですか。その状態からプロモーションをかけたり、オモチャ化であったり、本にしましょうとか……。色んな複合技で攻めていこうとするんです。それと今回「se・きらら」でやろうとしているのは大差なくて、テレビでタダで流しますよプロモーションです、見てください。っていうのと、ソフトをフリーでタダにするんで手にとって下さいよ。というのは同じなんじゃないか、と思っています。少し違うとすれば、これは一番最初のところであってR&Dに近いと思うところかな。


MAX渡辺 いわゆる研究開発ですね。こういうものを頑張って作ってみました。『これは行けますか?行けるんだったらもっと頑張ります』と。これは映像投資とか、作品投資とかっていうよりは、研究開発ですね。試験研究費的なもので、ソフト単体での回収モデルではない。




MAX渡辺 そもそもコンテンツ開発は博打ですよね(笑)。信じたスタッフと、信じる事をやる。このタイトル、コンテンツが価値を持つのは、みんながプレイしてくれた後じゃないですかね。一生懸命キャラを作ったし、お話も練った。どうぞ手にとって下さいと。きっと面白いと思います。ユーザーさんには時間も消費してもらわなきゃいけないじゃないですか。であれば、まず最初の壁=お金を取っ払ちゃおうって考え方ですね。もともと売ろうとしてたときも、研究開発的だなぁとは思ってたんです。もちろん良い結果が出せればより認められる。でも実際は、コンテンツが山ほど沢山ある状態のなかで「se・きらら」はちょっと分が悪いし、それであれば無料で配布して、とにかく見て貰いましょう。「一生懸命作って、精一杯やってみた。判断してくれ。」と。


MAX渡辺 そうですね。その後で、シリーズのfigmaや関連商品がいっぱい出せるようであれば回収の目もあるんでしょうけど、それも、お客さんから作品を認めていただけなれば、まったく意味が無いので。

― 今回、「se・きらら」無料配布を発表したことで、美少女ゲームメーカーさんや美少女ゲーム流通から、「ウチらの商売を荒らすんじゃねぇよ」とか電話かかってきませんでしたか?

MAX渡辺 「相談に乗るよ」って連絡はありましたよ(笑)。「困ったことがあったら遠慮無しに声かけてください」って言って貰えました。美少女ゲームメーカーのみなさん、たぶんうっすらと「誰かがやるだろうって」と考られていたことだと思うんですよ。そういう言われ方だったんです。「美少女ゲーム業界の中から変革の1つとして、無料配布が出てくるものかもしれないとは思っていた。ただショックだったのは、それが美少女ゲーム業界からじゃなかった」ってね。


MAX渡辺 美少女ゲームフィギュア、沢山やってますよ。それはそれで誠実にやらせてもらっているので、これだけで壊れる関係では無いと思っています。


MAX渡辺 本当になにも考えてないです。というか、そんな余裕ないんですよ(苦笑)


MAX渡辺 そんなに何度もできねぇ(笑)。開発リソース、金銭的にもそうですし。「se・きらら」だってもともと予定していた予算の優に3倍ですからね。(苦笑)


MAX渡辺 凄いですね。結構読めてますね。そんなに間違ってない数字を弾かれてます。たいしたものだ。この人、うちら(松戸チーム)にひっぱりましょう!話が早いでしょう(笑)。


MAX渡辺 関係各所と調整しながら進めています。


News Sauce: http://blog.livedoor.jp/geek/archives/50996100.html

OPINION by FuangPing
I'm playing it now, getting indulged...

Using every minute of my precious holiday, once in a week, I'm playing the game now without doing anything. I mean, you will never regret playing it. Just download and play it right now.

oh, I have to go back to the game. Excuse me.

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