“Funeral is not necessary” : funeral cost of Japanese is the far highest.


Average cost of funeral in Japan is 2,310,000 yen; in Britain 120,000 yen, Germany 190,000, Korea 370,000, U.S. 440,000. Average funeral cost in Japan is obviously the highest. The book “Souchiki ha Iranai” (“Funeral is not necessary”) which produced the ad is now getting sold well.

“I have known that funeral cost so much but…,” with such a surprise, a lot of people would pay attention to this book. In his book, the author Hiromi Shimada retrospects history of funeral in Japan and explains what have made the funeral contemporary style. The something was, according to the book, the process which Japanese Buddhism had evolved into funeral Buddhism and respectability which had been generated by village society.

Against the doctrine of Buddha (who said you could never talk about life after death, and it was waste of time), aristocrats in Middle Ages hoped their luxurious lives after death, and tried to create Pure Land in front of them. The author point out that it was the fundamental cause for Japanese funeral to having become so expensive.




News Saurce: http://book.asahi.com/aisare/TKY201004050169.html

OPINION by FuangPing
"How great Buddha was..."

Buddha said "you could never talk about life after death, and it was waste of time." I think that’s clearly true. But no matter how many people historically have adhered to their lives after death. It even has caused so much trouble in real life. It maybe leads to the conclusion that religious doctrine can’t defeat worldly human aspiration and respectability.

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