What's Qlipso? The company buying out veoh.

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Posted & translated by FuangPing

Every experienced internet user would have at least once used the video sharing website "veoh". Everybody would still remember that the company was led to Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Feb 11th, 2010, with a lot of netizens' mourning. However, unexpectedly not so many people know about the after story of veoh's bankrupt. After the bankruptcy, veoh was bought out for an undisclosed sum by Israeli company "Qlipso". Qlipso said that the company intend to use the resources of veoh for strengthening its contents sharing service. And then, what's the "contents sharing service"? Today I'd like to present you the information about the web service according to the official website of Qlipso.

What is Qlipso?
Qlipso is a new tool that enables you to share Flash-based content live with your friends while simultaneously interacting with them.

How does it work?
First download our free basic client. Then, when you see a 'qlip it' button on content you like, just click it. Our on-the-fly media-sharing panel will appear, and you can invite your friends to enjoy the content with you, live. You don’t have to visit any special sites or upload anything to start sharing. For those who want even more from their experience, we offer a premium client.

How much does it cost?
The basic version of Qlipso is absolutely free. The premium client is coming soon. We’ll announce pricing as we get closer to launch.

Do my friends have to download anything to participate?
No. In order to participate at the basic level, your friends don’t need to download anything. If they want to create an avatar or initiate sharing sessions, then they’ll need to download the basic client.

I’ve already got a huge list of friends on other sites. Do I have to enter them all again in Qlipso?
No. With your permission, Qlipso can tap into your existing networks on sites like Facebook and MySpace, making it super easy to connect with your friends.

What can I share through Qlipso?
Qlipso works with any Flash-based media, including videos, games, slideshows and music.

That's exactly the FAQ of Qlipso which was on the official website of the company. If you understand these basic things, then no problem at all. a video embedded above demonstrate how it works actually. Please just watch it. So, then let's enjoy "brand-new" veoh!!

<日本語訳 ふぉんぴん>

ちょっと年季の入ったネットユーザーなら誰もがお世話になっていたであろうveoh。そのveohが2010年2月11日に沢山の人々に惜しまれながら倒産してしまったのは記憶に新しいところ。しかし、意外にその後の顛末を知っている人は少ないのです。その後、veohは4月8日にイスラエルの企業Qlipsoに買収されました。Qlipsoはveohの買収を自身が持つコンテンツシェアサービスの強化に使うと言っているようです。では、その「コンテンツシェアサービス」とはなんなのか? 今日はその情報をQlipsoのオフィシャルホームページから得た情報を基に簡単に皆さんにお届けしようと思います。


まずは私たちの無料基礎ソフトをダウンロードし、インストールして下さい。その後なんでもあなたの好きなコンテンツ(you tubeとか)に行って「qlip it」というボタンを見たらそれを押してみて下さい。すると私たちの「on-the-fly sharing web panel(速攻web共有板、直訳だとこんな感じです)」が現れます。そうしたら、あとはあなたの友人を招待するだけです。皆さまでそのコンテンツを一緒に生で楽しんで下さい。あなたはこのシェアの為に特別なサイトを訪れる必要もなければ、なにかをアップロードする必要もありません。よりこのシェアを深く楽しみたい方々には、有料のソフトも提供しています。






You can also read "why did Qlipso buy out veoh?: the interview with the CEO of Qlipso" on ADJ

Cited by Qlipso official website.

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