English Dubbed Anime may disappear???

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Posted & Translated by FuangPing
cited by Anime News Network

Eric P. Sherman, President and CEO of the anime dubbing company Bang Zoom! Entertainment, has posted an editorial on the AnimeTV blog on Saturday, urging fans to buy anime instead of watching it via fan-subbed videos. In the "Anime - R.I.P." editorial, Sherman wrote that if fans do not support anime by buying it legally, "I can guarantee you that this time next year, Bang Zoom won't be bringing you anymore English language versions of it."

Sherman added in his editorial, "If people don't resist the urge to get their fix illegally, the entire industry is about to fizzle out." Sherman cited the demises of Geneon Entertainment USA, Central Park Media, and ADV Films, as well as the January 2009 layoffs at Bandai Entertainment, as past examples. In a boldfaced statement in the editorial, Sherman wrote that "anime is going to die."

Sherman also wrote about the rise of streaming content online, but added that "so far, there are no successful ways to monetize online entertainment. Not so that creators can afford to produce and distribute quality content."

<日本語訳 by ふぉんぴん>

アニメ音声吹き込み会社(日本のアニメに英語音声を入れる)Bang Zoom! Entertainmentの社長兼CEOのEric P. Shermanが先週の土曜日にAnimeTV blogへ記事を投稿した。内容は、動画サイトでファンが作った英語字幕アニメを見るのではなく、合法的に(というか普通に)アニメの購入を促すといったもの。「このままの状況が続くようだと、来年Bang Zoomはあなた方に英語吹き替えのアニメを提供できないかもしれない」

氏曰く「もし人々が非合法なアニメを見続ける場合、業界全体がポシャることになる」。Shermanは過去の事例として、Geneon Entertainmet USA、Central Park Media, そしてADV Filmsの倒産を、そして2009年のBandai Entertaimentの大量解雇を挙げる。当記事の中では「アニメは今死の淵にいる」というセンテンスが太字で強調されている。


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