Astonished... Evangelion suddenly stopped its activity.

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Posted by Fuangping
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The “evangelionized” LAWSON suddenly stopped its campaign activity on 25th April, which was originally supposed to continue by 17th May. The companies in charge proclaimed. It was because of chaos around the Hakone city in which the convenience store was located. With traffic congestion and noise, or other bad manners, people coming the store (almost all of them otaku) had disturbed the locals. In day & night, all day, the store was always packed with otaku customers, on the other hand, conflicts between customer and the locals had happened around the place. Comments on 2channel are following:

・You guys again?
・Not “Angels attack” but “Otaku Attack” huh?
・It’s predictable.
・It reminded me of the power of Evangelion.

I intended to go there in Golden Week...


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