"I want to protect people from suicide by Love++. I put the system in it." Uchida producer says.

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Posted by fuangping

Uchida Producer: There is a SOS button

Interviwer: Really? Is she cheering us up?

Uchida P: Yes. There are two ways. First one is light consolation. She will cheer you up casually anytime. Second one is for serious & disastrous situation for you. You can push this button only once. We put a lot of work in it.

Interviewer: In what kind of situation should we use this emergency SOS mode?

Uchida P: I think it's when you are too tired and depressed and feel unnerved. Everybody would experience that, wouldn't them?

Interviewer: Yes, I would. It's actually nightmare when I couldn't finish my draft.

Uchida P: I created the SOS mode for that kind of situation, like "911 for mind". As a matter of fact, when I heard her voice in SOS mode, it made me so crazy.

Interviewer: Maybe it will really save people's life. We should use the button in our daily life.

Uchida P: Yeah, the more you hear, the more you get the feeling of being loved like "I am really needed by her". Off course it's a just digital data. But you may think it doesn't matter anymore. Some people joke saying "Love+ would spur the problem of declining birth rate" or "Japan gonna die", that kind of things. But I think first of all the real problem is the people who get seriously tired of their lives. That's a really serious trouble in Japan.

Interviewer: Exactly, the statistics of the number of suicide in this nation always make me depressed.

Uchida P: I would like to ease that problem as much as possible by Love++. I don't seriously think it will contribute to our society so much but at least I hope people would get comfortable in any level for Love++

Reaction of 2channelers are following:
Basically negative opinions account for majority.


Ok then, I gonna live a little bit more.

maybe I will buy it.


If my life got saved by the game, the fact would drive me to die.

Who on earth is gonna be saved by the game!?

Love+ is now evolving into kind of religion.

How does Love+ ease the suicide problem?

Is he serious?

If parents get to know their grown-up child are engaged in Love+, they're gonna suicide.

<日本語 原文>


4Gamer:えっ,慰めてくれるんですか? 彼女が?










Cited by http://blog.livedoor.jp/insidears/archives/52331633.html

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