PM’s fashion choice; Does it have something to do with politics?

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Posted by FuangPing
Based on the article of CNN: Japan PM's political fashion disaster?

Recently uploaded the article about the outfit of PM Hatoyama in an even called the “Real Hato Café”at its front page. In that coverage, citing the comment of fashion designer Don Konishi, the world authentic broadcasting media criticized PM’s disastrous fashion. Actually it was. But here is a question; does it have something to do with politics?

As a matter of fact, some postings from the world at says following;

(゚Д゚ ) Does a T-shirt really affect the whole country? or world??? I don't care what he wears. many think too much.just let it be.

ヽ(`Д´)ノ Is there nothing more interesting going on in Japan these days?

(# ゚Д゚) Another perfectly relevant front page news sotry. Thanks again CNN.

( ゚o゚)ノ Those PMs might have bad taste of fashion. But you cnn, have poor taste of newsworthy reporting. What a waste of time.

In addition, in the very front page, sets the “Quickvote” asking that “is it fair to criticize the Japanese PM’s dress sense?”
By far (13th May), the outcome is following; 73% (2599) saying NO, and 27% (952) YES.

最近CNN.comが鳩山首相の「リアルはとカフェ」と呼ばれるイベントでのファッションに関する記事をフロントページにアップしました。この記事ではドン・小西のコメントを引用し、首相のファッションを痛烈に批判しています。確かに、酷いw が、これは果たして政治と関係があるのだろうか?


(゚Д゚ ) このTシャツがなんか世界や国政に影響すんの?彼が何着たってどうでもいいよ。考えすぎ。ほっといてやんなよ。

ヽ(`Д´)ノ 最近日本じゃ他にニュースになるようなことはないのか?

(# ゚Д゚) またまたフロントページに本当に興味深い記事をのっけてくれてありがとう。CNN、流石だよ。

( ゚o゚)ノ 確かにこの首相のファッションはひどいね。けどさぁCNN、この記事ってなんの意味があるの?時間の無駄でしょう。

NO 73% 2599票
YES 27% 952票

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